Description of Three From Two
Photograph: 1982, Agfa paper B/W gelatin silver print.
6.5″ x 9.5″ Reprint 2020.
Coloured pencil sketch of bridge with and without backdrop before foto-session (3.25″x5″) 1982.
La Loma Bridge over The Arroyo Seco; Pasadena, California. aka: “Little Sister” to the Colorado Street Bridge.
Three From Two = Trois De Deux = Tres De Dos.
Bridge was too big, heavy, and attached to bring home.
With a vinyl backdrop, the dare to bring studio to bridge created an optical shift of three and two when
vinyl diffused the backlighting of sunlight.
Attention is drawn to three “spaces” then to two “solids.”
An optical shift takes place from space that seems to be solid to actual solid: Two balusters
within balustrade of bridge.